invitation presse

UEFA EURO 2016 - Artistic itineraries to guide spectators in Paris

Informations pratiques
Mardi 7 juin 2016 à 14:45
Métro Dupleix
Boulevard de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, France

Élus référents
  • Marie-christine LEMARDELEY
  • Jean-françois MARTINS

UEFA EURO 2016 is an amazing opportunity for Paris to innovate in the fields of reception and public orientation. Several new solutions such as artistic itineraries will be set up during the competition on the public area. The latter will be inaugurated next Tuesday.

On Tuesday June 7th, Jean-François Martins, Deputy Mayor of Paris for Sport and Tourism and Marie-Christine Lemardeley, Deputy Mayor of Paris for Higher Education, Student Life and Research, will inaugurate together four artistic itineraries created within the framework of UEFA EURO 2016.

As the result of a joint effort between the services of the City of Paris and the École Professionnelle Supérieure d’Arts Graphiques de la Ville de Paris (EPSAA) (higher graphic arts school), those itineraries aim to make public orientation easier from the metro stations to the Fan Zone and the Berges de l’Europe. Both creative and intuitive, they are readapting in an original way objects and codes of football to offer an innovative signage system, playing with urban space and property.

“Mobilising the students of EPSAA is calling on for our young talents’ creativity and enabling everyone, youth included, to take part in this great festival, commonly known as EURO” explains Marie-Christine Lemardeley, Deputy Mayor of Paris for higher education, student life and research.

Creating such itineraries lines up with experiment and innovation tourism set up by the City of Paris within the framework of UEFA EURO 2016. With nearly 3 million visitors expected, UEFA EURO 2016 embodies an amazing opportunity to innovate in the fields of reception and public information and orientation.

 “Our capital city has outstanding advantages regarding its heritage and history, a strong experience of reception and hospitality, and knows how to reinvent itself, through its daring as for innovation and tourist reception. It consists mainly in providing the visitor with a pleasant experience, while giving him or her accessible and reliable information” underlines Jean-François Martins, Deputy Mayor of Paris for Sports and Tourism.

The itineraries will be revealed next Tuesday afternoon in the presence of the elected representatives, students, the project leaders from EPSAA and the services of the City of Paris involved.

Document associé

invitation presse
02 juin 2016

UEFA EURO 2016 - Artistic itineraries to guide spectators in Paris