invitation presse

UEFA EURO 2016 : Paris presents its new connected “terminals” for tourists

Informations pratiques
Vendredi 1 juillet 2016 à 14:15
10 Place de la Madeleine, 75008 Paris-8E-Arrondissement, France

Élus référents
  • Jean-françois MARTINS

L’UEFA EURO 2016 is a great opportunity for Paris to innovate in the reception and public orientation. Several unprecedented solutions have been deployed by the City of Paris during the competition including a new generation of connected “terminals”. They will be presented to you next Friday by Jean-François Martins, Deputy Mayor of Paris and the companies which have developed this tool.

Paris, smart-city and true “open-air laboratory” for the world’s start-ups, enables the latter to experiment innovative solutions on the public space. With more that 3 million expected visitors, UEFA EURO 2016 is a unique opportunity to test new ways of informing and orientating the public as well as highlight the local cultural offer.

The new connected terminals offer information on the points of interest and events nearby, on the ways to move and orientate oneself in the city as well as for UEFA EURO 2016. Connected to your smartphone or your tablet, they enable visitors to get information quickly and efficiently.

Set up as an experiment in 10 key places of Paris (Place Stalingrad, City Hall’s forecourt, Place de l’Opéra, Place de la Madeleine, Place de la République, Place de la Bastille, Place du Panthéon, Place de la Nation, and two reaches of the Canal Saint-Martin), they are a part of the reorganisation of the great Parisian “Places” initiated by the City of Paris.

Document associé

invitation presse
27 juin 2016

UEFA EURO 2016 Paris presents its new connected “terminals” for tourists